OnixS C++ B3 Binary UMDF Market Data Handler  1.6.3
API documentation
LogPlayerSettings Class Reference

#include <OnixS/B3/MarketData/UMDF/testing/LogPlayer.h>

Public Member Functions

 LogPlayerSettings ()
 ~LogPlayerSettings ()
const std::string & logFile () const
LogPlayerSettingslogFile (const std::string &file)
ChannelId channel () const
LogPlayerSettingschannel (ChannelId value)
const std::string & connectivityConfigurationFile () const
LogPlayerSettingsconnectivityConfigurationFile (const std::string &configurationFile)
unsigned sendDelay () const
LogPlayerSettingssendDelay (unsigned delay)
bool useNaturalSendDelays () const
LogPlayerSettingsuseNaturalSendDelays (bool value)
bool updateSendingTime () const
LogPlayerSettingsupdateSendingTime (bool value)
unsigned sourceSwitchDelay () const
LogPlayerSettingssourceSwitchDelay (unsigned delay)
const std::string & primaryFeed () const
LogPlayerSettingsprimaryFeed (const std::string &feed)
bool simulateArbitrage () const
LogPlayerSettingssimulateArbitrage (bool value)
const std::string & ifaceA () const
LogPlayerSettingsifaceA (const std::string &iface)
const std::string & ifaceB () const
LogPlayerSettingsifaceB (const std::string &iface)
unsigned long packetsCount () const
LogPlayerSettingspacketsCount (unsigned long value)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 46 of file LogPlayer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LogPlayerSettings ( )

Initializes parameters with default values.

Definition at line 50 of file LogPlayer.h.

~LogPlayerSettings ( )

Cleans everything up.

Definition at line 55 of file LogPlayer.h.

Member Function Documentation

ChannelId channel ( ) const

Identifies CME market data channel.

Definition at line 72 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& channel ( ChannelId  value)

Identifies CME market data channel.

Definition at line 78 of file LogPlayer.h.

const std::string& connectivityConfigurationFile ( ) const

Path to the connectivity configuration file.

Definition at line 85 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& connectivityConfigurationFile ( const std::string &  configurationFile)

Path to the connectivity configuration file from which to load feed connection settings.

Definition at line 92 of file LogPlayer.h.

const std::string& ifaceA ( ) const

Interface through which application must send data belonging to primary feed. If not specified, default network interface is used.

Definition at line 184 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& ifaceA ( const std::string &  iface)

Interface through which application must send data belonging to primary feed. If not specified, default network interface is used.

Definition at line 190 of file LogPlayer.h.

const std::string& ifaceB ( ) const

Interface through which application must send data belonging to secondary feed.

If not specified, default network interface is used.

Definition at line 199 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& ifaceB ( const std::string &  iface)

Interface through which application must send data belonging to secondary feed.

If not specified, default network interface is used.

Definition at line 206 of file LogPlayer.h.

const std::string& logFile ( ) const

Path to the log file.

Definition at line 58 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& logFile ( const std::string &  file)

Path to the log file.

Definition at line 64 of file LogPlayer.h.

unsigned long packetsCount ( ) const

The number of incremental packets to replay.

Definition at line 214 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& packetsCount ( unsigned long  value)

The number of incremental packets to replay.

Definition at line 220 of file LogPlayer.h.

const std::string& primaryFeed ( ) const

Defines primary feed for the feed group.

Definition at line 156 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& primaryFeed ( const std::string &  feed)

Defines primary feed for the feed group.

Definition at line 162 of file LogPlayer.h.

unsigned sendDelay ( ) const

Pause before sending data to the same source as it was sent before (in microseconds).

Definition at line 100 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& sendDelay ( unsigned  delay)

Pause before sending data to the same source as it was sent before (in microseconds).

Definition at line 106 of file LogPlayer.h.

bool simulateArbitrage ( ) const

Simulates arbitrage on realtime feeds. By default, data is sent through primary feed only.

Definition at line 170 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& simulateArbitrage ( bool  value)

Simulates arbitrage on realtime feeds. By default, data is sent through primary feed only.

Definition at line 176 of file LogPlayer.h.

unsigned sourceSwitchDelay ( ) const

Pause before sending data to the source which differs from the source data was sent before (in microseconds).

Definition at line 142 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& sourceSwitchDelay ( unsigned  delay)

Pause before sending data to the source which differs from the source data was sent before (in microseconds).

Definition at line 148 of file LogPlayer.h.

bool updateSendingTime ( ) const

Update the SendingTime field in the Binary Packet Header.

Definition at line 128 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& updateSendingTime ( bool  value)

Update the SendingTime field in the Binary Packet Header.

Definition at line 134 of file LogPlayer.h.

bool useNaturalSendDelays ( ) const

Use delays from the log file. If true, sendDelay will be ignored.

Definition at line 114 of file LogPlayer.h.

LogPlayerSettings& useNaturalSendDelays ( bool  value)

Use delays from the log file. If true, sendDelay will be ignored.

Definition at line 120 of file LogPlayer.h.

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