This is the complete list of members for ExecutionReportReject204, including all inherited members.
accessOrdinary(MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
accessOrdinary(MessageSizeoffset) noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
account(AccountOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
binary() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
binary() noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
BinaryBlock()=default | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | protected |
block() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
block() noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
blockEnd() noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
blockEnd() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
blockLength(SchemaVersion version) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
OnixS::B3::BOE::Messaging::SbeMessage::blockLength() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
BlockLength typedef | SbeMessage | |
body() noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
bufferSize() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
businessHeader() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
businessHeader() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
calculateBinarySize() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
OnixS::B3::BOE::Messaging::SbeMessage::calculateBinarySize(const void *tail) const noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
className() | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
clear() noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
clOrdId() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
constructGroup(Group &group, typename Group::Size entryCount, const void *messageTail) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
constructGroup(Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
constructGroup(Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, Owner &owner) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
container() noexcept | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
crossedIndicator(CrossedIndicator::Enum &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
crossId(CrossIDOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
cxlRejResponseTo() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
decimal(MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
decimal(Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
decimal(Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
deskId() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
EncodedLength typedef | SbeMessage | |
enumeration(MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
enumeration(typename Enumeration::Enum &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
enumeration(typename Enumeration::Enum &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
execId() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ExecutionReportReject204()=default | ExecutionReportReject204 | |
ExecutionReportReject204(void *data, EncodedLength length, SchemaVersion version=Schema::Version) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ExecutionReportReject204(void *data, EncodedLength length, NoFieldsInit, SchemaVersion version=Schema::Version) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ExecutionReportReject204(void *data, EncodedLength length, NoInit) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ExecutionReportReject204(const SbeMessage &message) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlineexplicit |
ExecutionReportReject204(void *data, EncodedLength length, NoInit, NoCheck) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
expireDate(Timestamp &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
fixedStr(MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
fixedStr(StrRef &value, MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
fixedStr(StrRef &value, MessageSizeoffset, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
fixType() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
getGroup(Callable callable, Owner &owner) const noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
getGroup(Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) const noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
getMaxMessageSize(UInt8) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
OnixS::B3::BOE::Messaging::SbeMessage::getMaxMessageSize() noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotectedstatic |
getMinimalVariableFieldsSize(SchemaVersion version) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
getVariableLengthField(Callable callable, const Owner &owner) const noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
getVariableLengthField(Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) const noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
GroupList typedef | SbeMessage | protected |
groups() noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
groups() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
init(MessageHeader::TemplateId value, MessageHeader::BlockLength minimalBlockLength, MessageHeader::BlockLength blockLength, SchemaId id) noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
initGroup(Group &group, typename Group::EntrySize entrySize) noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
investorId(InvestorID &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
maxFloor(QuantityOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
memo() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
messageType() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
minimalBlockLength(SchemaVersion version) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
minQty(QuantityOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
orderId(OrderIDOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
orderQty(QuantityOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ordinary(MessageSizeoffset) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
ordinary(Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
ordinary(Value &value, MessageSizeoffset, NullValue null, SchemaVersion since) const noexcept | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inlineprotected |
ordRejReason() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ordStatus() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
ordTagId(OrdTagID &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ordType() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
origClOrdId(ClOrdIDOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
price(PriceOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
receivedTime(UTCTimestampNanosOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
reset() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
resetGroup(Callable callable, Owner &owner) noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
resetGroup(Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
resetVariableFields() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
SbeFields()=default | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | protected |
SbeMessage() noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
SbeMessage(void *data, MessageSize size, SchemaVersion version) | SbeMessage | inline |
SbeMessage(void *data, MessageSize size) | SbeMessage | inline |
SbeMessage(void *data, MessageSize size, NoCheck) noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
Schema typedef | ExecutionReportReject204 | |
schemaId() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
secondaryOrderId(OrderIDOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
securityExchange() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
securityId() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
securityIdSource() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inlinestatic |
setAccount(AccountOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setAccountToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setClOrdId(ClOrdID value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setCrossedIndicator(CrossedIndicator::Enum value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setCrossedIndicatorToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setCrossId(CrossIDOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setCrossIdToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setCxlRejResponseTo(CxlRejResponseTo::Enum value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setDeskId(StrRef value) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setEnumeration(MessageSizeoffset, typename Enumeration::Enum value) noexcept | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
setEnumeration(MessageSizeoffset, typename Enumeration::Enum value, SchemaVersion since) | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
setExecId(ExecID value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setExpireDate(Timestamp value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setExpireDateToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setFixedStr(MessageSizeoffset, StrRef value) noexcept | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
setFixedStr(MessageSizeoffset, StrRef value, SchemaVersion since) | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
setInvestorId(InvestorID value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setInvestorIdToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setMaxFloor(QuantityOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setMaxFloorToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setMemo(StrRef value) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setMinQty(QuantityOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setMinQtyToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrderId(OrderIDOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrderIdToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrderQty(QuantityOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrderQtyToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrdinary(MessageSizeoffset, FieldValue value) noexcept | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
setOrdinary(MessageSizeoffset, FieldValue value, SchemaVersion since) | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
setOrdRejReason(RejReason value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrdTagId(OrdTagID value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrdTagIdToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrdType(OrdType::Enum value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrigClOrdId(ClOrdIDOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setOrigClOrdIdToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setPrice(PriceOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setPriceToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setReceivedTime(UTCTimestampNanosOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setReceivedTimeToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setSecondaryOrderId(OrderIDOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setSecondaryOrderIdToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setSecurityId(SecurityID value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setSide(Side::Enum value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setStopPx(PriceOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setStopPxToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setStrategyId(StrategyIDOptional value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setStrategyIdToNull() noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setText(StrRef value) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setTimeInForce(TimeInForce::Enum value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setTradingSubAccount(AccountOptional value) | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setTradingSubAccountToNull() | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setTransactTime(UTCTimestampNanos value) noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
setupGroup(Group &group, typename Group::Size entryCount, const void *messageTail) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
setupGroup(Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
setupGroup(Callable callable, typename Group::Size length, Owner &owner) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
setVarDataField(DATA &data, StrRef value, const void *oldMessageTail) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
setVariableLengthField(Callable callable, StrRef value, Owner &owner) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
setVariableLengthField(Callable callable, StrRef value, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
setVariableLengthFieldToNull(Callable callable, Owner &owner) noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
setVariableLengthFieldToNull(Callable callable, SchemaVersion since, Owner &owner) noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
side() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
stopPx(PriceOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
strategyId(StrategyIDOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
tail() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
templateId() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
TemplateId enum value | ExecutionReportReject204 | |
text() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
ThisType typedef | ExecutionReportReject204 | |
timeInForce() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
toString() const | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
tradingSubAccount(AccountOptional &value) const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
transactTime() const noexcept | ExecutionReportReject204 | inline |
valid() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
VariableLengthFieldList typedef | SbeMessage | protected |
variableLengthFields() noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
variableLengthFields() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
version() const noexcept | SbeMessage | inline |
version(SchemaVersion version) noexcept | SbeMessage | inlineprotected |
zeroPaddingBytes(MessageSizeoffset) noexcept | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | inline |
~BinaryBlock()=default | BinaryBlock< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | protected |
~BinaryBlockBase()=default (defined in BinaryBlockBase) | BinaryBlockBase | protected |
~SbeFields()=default | SbeFields< Messaging::SbeMessage, MessageSize > | protected |