forwardBuild Method    Table of ContentNewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder Constructor forward
NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder Class
Builder to build instances of NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgs.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OnixS.NET.ICE.iMpact.Testing
Assembly:  OnixS.IceImpactMulticastPriceFeedHandlerNet-4.8_x64 (in OnixS.IceImpactMulticastPriceFeedHandlerNet-4.8_x64.dll) Version:
public class NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder

The NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodNewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder
Initializes a new instance of the NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder class
Public propertyContractSymbol
See Naming Convention on Appendix D.
Public propertyCrossOrderSupported
Indicates if Cross order is supported in the market.
Public propertyCurrency
The currency that the market is traded on.
Public propertyDealPriceDenominator
Denominator for the deal price fields in the market. For most markets, this is the same as `OrderPriceDenominator`.
Public propertyFlexAllowed
Indicates if flexible strikes can be created for the option market.
Public propertyGTAllowed
Indicates if GTC is allowed in the market.
Public propertyGuaranteedCrossSupported
Indicates if Guarantee Cross is supported in the market.
Public propertyHedgeMarketId
The underlying futures market ID for a serial option. The serial option market may or may not be a valid futures month and option will expire/exercise into a position held in this underlying market. It will be set to `-1` when not applicable.
Public propertyIncrementPremiumPrice
Price increment for the option market.
Public propertyIncrementQty
Minimum increment quantity for this market.
Public propertyIsBlockOnly
Indicates if Market is only tradable via ICE Block Trade. This also means the screen trading is not allowed for the market.
Public propertyIsTradable
Indicates if the contract is tradable.
Public propertyLotSize
The lot size is minimum size of contracts in lots. It is multiplier to determine the total lots,
Public propertyMarketDesc
Description of the market.
Public propertyMarketId
Unique identifier of the option market.
Public propertyMarketTypeId
See Appendix C for the list of market types and IDs.
Public propertyMaxOptionsPrice
Maximum premium price for the option.
Public propertyMIFIDRegulatedMarket
Indicates MIFID-II market.
Public propertyMinOptionsPrice
Minimum premium price for the option.
Public propertyMinQty
Minimum quantity for this market.
Public propertyNumDecimalsStrikePrice
Denominator for the strike price field.
Public propertyNumOfCycles
Number of cycle (days, hours, MWh, etc.) for a contract.
Public propertyOptionsExpirationDay
Day of the month.
Public propertyOptionsExpirationMonth
Month range 1-12.
Public propertyOptionsExpirationType
Options expiration type.
Public propertyOptionsExpirationYear
4 digit year.
Public propertyOptionsStyle
Options style.
Public propertyOptionType
Option type.
Public propertyOrderPriceDenominator
Denominator for the order price fields in this market.
Public propertyScreenLastTradeDay
Screen last trade day of the month.
Public propertyScreenLastTradeMonth
Screen last trade month, range 1-12.
Public propertyScreenLastTradeYear
Screen last trade year, 4 digits.
Public propertySentTime
Date-time of the message sent.
Public propertySettlementType
Settlement type.
Public propertySettlePriceDenominator
Denominator for the settlement price fields in the market. For most markets, this is the same as `DealPriceDenominator`.
Public propertyStrikePrice
Strike Price of the option. Used in conjunction with the `NumDecimalsStrikePrice`. This is often different from the premium price decimals.
Public propertyTickValue
A market's tick value is the cash value of one tick (one minimum price movement). OrderPriceDenominator should be applied to get the real value.
Public propertyTradingStatus
See Appendix A on trading status codes.
Public propertyUnderlyingMarketId
Underlying Futures/OTC market id. This market id links to the product definition of the futures market.
Public propertyUnitOfMeasure
Unit Of Measure.
Public propertyUnitQtyDenominator
Denominator for UnitQuantity. This field will be `'0'` for most of the markets.
Public methodBuild
Creates an instance of NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgs.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also