Build Method | Table of Content | NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder Constructor |
NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder Class |
Namespace: OnixS.NET.ICE.iMpact.Testing
public class NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder
The NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder | Initializes a new instance of the NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgsBuilder class |
Name | Description | |
ContractSymbol |
See Naming Convention on Appendix D.
| |
CrossOrderSupported |
Indicates if Cross order is supported in the market.
| |
Currency |
The currency that the market is traded on.
| |
DealPriceDenominator |
Denominator for the deal price fields in the market. For most markets,
this is the same as `OrderPriceDenominator`.
| |
FlexAllowed |
Indicates if flexible strikes can be created for the option market.
| |
GTAllowed |
Indicates if GTC is allowed in the market.
| |
GuaranteedCrossSupported |
Indicates if Guarantee Cross is supported in the market.
| |
HedgeMarketId |
The underlying futures market ID for a serial option. The serial
option market may or may not be a valid futures month and option will
expire/exercise into a position held in this underlying market. It
will be set to `-1` when not applicable.
| |
IncrementPremiumPrice |
Price increment for the option market.
| |
IncrementQty |
Minimum increment quantity for this market.
| |
IsBlockOnly |
Indicates if Market is only tradable via ICE Block Trade. This also
means the screen trading is not allowed for the market.
| |
IsTradable |
Indicates if the contract is tradable.
| |
LotSize |
The lot size is minimum size of contracts in lots. It is multiplier to
determine the total lots,
| |
MarketDesc |
Description of the market.
| |
MarketId |
Unique identifier of the option market.
| |
MarketTypeId |
See Appendix C for the list of market types and IDs.
| |
MaxOptionsPrice |
Maximum premium price for the option.
| |
MIFIDRegulatedMarket |
Indicates MIFID-II market.
| |
MinOptionsPrice |
Minimum premium price for the option.
| |
MinQty |
Minimum quantity for this market.
| |
NumDecimalsStrikePrice |
Denominator for the strike price field.
| |
NumOfCycles |
Number of cycle (days, hours, MWh, etc.) for a contract.
| |
OptionsExpirationDay |
Day of the month.
| |
OptionsExpirationMonth |
Month range 1-12.
| |
OptionsExpirationType |
Options expiration type.
| |
OptionsExpirationYear |
4 digit year.
| |
OptionsStyle |
Options style.
| |
OptionType |
Option type.
| |
OrderPriceDenominator |
Denominator for the order price fields in this market.
| |
ScreenLastTradeDay |
Screen last trade day of the month.
| |
ScreenLastTradeMonth |
Screen last trade month, range 1-12.
| |
ScreenLastTradeYear |
Screen last trade year, 4 digits.
| |
SentTime |
Date-time of the message sent.
| |
SettlementType |
Settlement type.
| |
SettlePriceDenominator |
Denominator for the settlement price fields in the market. For most
markets, this is the same as `DealPriceDenominator`.
| |
StrikePrice |
Strike Price of the option. Used in conjunction with the
`NumDecimalsStrikePrice`. This is often different from the premium
price decimals.
| |
TickValue |
A market's tick value is the cash value of one tick (one minimum price
movement). OrderPriceDenominator should be applied to get the real
| |
TradingStatus |
See Appendix A on trading status codes.
| |
UnderlyingMarketId |
Underlying Futures/OTC market id. This market id links to the product
definition of the futures market.
| |
UnitOfMeasure |
Unit Of Measure.
| |
UnitQtyDenominator |
Denominator for UnitQuantity. This field will be `'0'` for most of the
Name | Description | |
Build |
Creates an instance of NewOptionsMarketDefinitionEventArgs.
| |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |