forwardRfqEventHandler Delegate   Table of ContentSecurityType Enumerationforward
SecuritySubType Enumeration
Known security sub types.

Namespace:  OnixS.NET.ICE.iMpact
Assembly:  OnixS.IceImpactMulticastPriceFeedHandlerNet-4.8_x64 (in OnixS.IceImpactMulticastPriceFeedHandlerNet-4.8_x64.dll) Version:
public enum SecuritySubType
  Member nameValueDescription
NONE0 None.
CALL1 Call.
PUT2 Put.
FFLY3 Futures Butterfly.
CALLFLY4 Call Butterfly.
PUTFLY5 Put Butterfly.
CALLSPR6 Call Spread.
PUTSPR7 Put Spread.
CALLDIAGSP9 Diagonal Call Spread.
PUTDIAGSP10 Diagonal Put Spread.
GUT11 Gut Strangle.
RATIOCSPR12 1x2 Call Spread (to the 2).
RATIOPSPR13 1x2 Put Spread (to the 2).
IFLY14 Iron Butterfly.
COMBO15 Cleared Combo.
STRANGLE16 Strangle.
CALLLADR17 Call Ladder (tree).
PUTLADR18 Put Ladder (tree).
CALSTRD19 Straddle Spread.
REVCON21 Reversal/Conversion (to the Call).
STRADDLE22 Straddle.
FCONDR23 Futures Condor.
CALLCONDR24 Call Condor.
PUTCONDR25 Put Condor.
BOX26 Box.
SYN33 Synthetic Underlying.
CALLSPRP34 Call Spread vs Put : 3 way.
PUTSPRC35 Put Spread vs Call : 3 way.
CALL3WAY36 Straddle vs Call : 3 way.
PUT3WAY37 Straddle vs Put : 3 way.
CALLCALSPR38 Call Calendar Spread.
PUTCALSPR39 Put Calendar Spread.
ICONDR40 Iron Condor.
JROLL41 Jelly Roll.
RATIOCSPRX42 Hedged 1x2 Call Spread (to the 2).
RATIOPSPRX43 Hedged 1x2 Put Spread (to the 2).
SPRVSPX44 Call Spread versus Sell Put - Hedge.
SPRVSCX45 Put Spread versus Sell Call + Hedge.
CALLCALX46 Hedged Call Calendar.
PUTCALX47 Hedged Put Calendar.
CALLLADRX48 Hedged Call Ladder (tree).
PUTLADRX49 Hedged Put Ladder (tree).
CALLSPRX50 Hedged Call Spread.
PUTSPRX51 Hedged Put Spread.
STRDX53 Hedged Straddle.
STRGX54 Hedged Strangle.
CALLX55 Hedged Call.
PUTX56 Hedged Put.
CUST58 Custom.
CALSTRDX59 Hedged Straddle Spread.
CCONDRX60 Hedged Call Condor.
PCONDRX61 Hedged Put Condor.
CDIAGX63 Hedged Diagonal Call Spread.
PDIAGX64 Hedged Diagonal Put Spread.
CFLYX65 Hedged Call Butterfly.
PFLYX66 Hedged Put Butterfly.
GUTX67 Hedged Guts Strangle.
ICONDRX68 Hedged Iron Condor.
IFLYX69 Hedged Iron Butterfly.
FENCECALL70 Fence (to the call).
FENCEPUT71 Fence (to the put).
FENCECALLX72 Hedged Fence (to the call).
FENCEPUTX73 Hedged Fence (to the put).
RATIOCSPR174 1x2 Call Spread (to the 1).
RATIOPSPR175 1x2 Put Spread (to the 1).
RATIOCSPR1X76 Hedged 1x2 Call Spread (to the 1).
RATIOPSPR1X77 Hedged 1x2 Put Spread (to the 1).
INTEREXLOCSTRATEGY86 Inter-Exchange Location Strategy.
DISCSPR88 Discount Spreads.
LOCSPR89 Location Spreads.
PLATDIFSPR90 Platts Diff Spread.
PLATTSPR91 Platts Spread.
OILCRACK92 OTC Gas Oil Crack.
BALMOSPR93 Balmo over Month.
RATIOSPR94 Ratio Spread.
VOLSPR95 Volumetric Spread.
HEATRATE96 Heat Rate.
COMBOSPR98 Combo Spread.
SPR99 Spread S.
PACK100 Pack(no color).
WHTPACK101 Pack (White).
REDPACK102 Pack (Red).
GRNPACK103 Pack (Green).
BLUPACK104 Pack (Blue).
GLDPACK105 Pack (Gold).
PURPACK106 Pack (Purple).
ORNPACK107 Pack (Orange).
PNKPACK108 Pack (Pink).
SILPACK109 Pack (Silver).
COPPACK110 Pack (Copper).
CALLLOCSPR138 Call Location Spread.
PUTLOCSPR139 Put Location Spread.
CALLLOCSPRX140 Hedged Call Location Spread.
PUTLOCSPRX141 Hedged Put Location Spread.
FUTBOX142 Futures Box.
BNDL200 Bundle (no color).
BNDLY2201 Bundle (2yr).
BNDLY3202 Bundle (3yr).
BNDLY4203 Bundle (4yr).
BNDLY5204 Bundle (5yr).
BNDLY6205 Bundle (6yr).
BNDLY7206 Bundle (7yr).
BNDLY8207 Bundle (8yr).
BNDLY9208 Bundle (9yr).
BNDLY10209 Bundle (10yr).
LOCBMONTH300 Location basket - month.
LOCBQUARTER301 Location basket - quarter.
LOCBPERIOD302 Location basket - period.
LOCBYEAR303 Location basket - year.
BALMO400 Balmo.
NEXTDAY410 Next Day.
WKND412 Weekend.
SINGLEDAY413 Single Day.
CUSTDAILY414 Custom Daily.
HOURLY415 Hourly.
MONTH416 Month.
BALWK450 Balweek.
KYOTO500 Basket.
CUSTMONTHLY550 Custom Monthly.
NEXTWK600 NextWeek.
PERIOD700 Period.
CUSTDAILY7X8712 Custom Daily 7X8.
CUSTDAILY7X16713 Custom Daily 7X16.
CUSTDAILYOPX16715 Custom Daily Off-Peak X16.
QTR800 Quarter.
YEAR900 Year.
See Also