forwardEndOfDayMarketSummaryEventArgsBuilder Constructor    Table of ContentBlockVolume Property forward
EndOfDayMarketSummaryEventArgsBuilder Properties

The EndOfDayMarketSummaryEventArgsBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlockVolume
Block volume.
Public propertyDateTime
Date time this message was sent. Milliseconds since Jan 1st, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Public propertyEFPVolume
EFP volume.
Public propertyEFSVolume
EFS volume.
Public propertyHigh
High price. `DealPriceDenominator` for the market should be applied to get the real price.
Public propertyLow
Low price. `DealPriceDenominator` for the market should be applied to get the real price.
Public propertyMarketId
Unique identifier of the market.
Public propertyOpeningPrice
Opening price. `DealPriceDenominator` for the market should be applied to get the real price.
Public propertyOpenInterest
The number of open contracts of derivatives like futures and options that have a time limit after which they expire. Open interest in a derivative is the sum of all contracts that have not expired, been exercised or physically delivered. Moreover, the open interest is the number of long positions or, equivalently, the number of short positions.
Public propertySentTime
Date-time of the message sent.
Public propertySettlementPrice
Settlement price. `SettlePriceDenominator` for the market should be applied to get the real settlement price.
Public propertySettlementPriceWithDealPricePrecision
Settlement price. `DealPriceDenominator` for the market should be applied to get the real price. This field is kept here for backward compatibility. Client should use the new SettlementPrice field (added in 1.1.23) for better precision. `DealPriceDenominator` and `SettlePriceDenominator` might be different for some markets.
Public propertyVolume
Total volume.
Public propertyVWAP
VWAP price. `DealPriceDenominator` for the market should be applied to get the real price.
See Also