forwardFeedEngineSettings Constructor    Table of ContentDataWaitTime Property forward
FeedEngineSettings Properties

The FeedEngineSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataWaitTime
Defines amount of time Feed Engine spends on socket waiting for I/O while running master processing loop. Time is measured in milliseconds. Default value is '10'. Given parameter significantly affects the Handler's responsiveness and load onto CPU!
Public propertySocketBufferSize
Defines size of receiving buffer in bytes for sockets. Default value is 8 MiB.
Public propertySpinBeforeIdleTime
Defines amount of time Feed Engine keeps cycling before going to sleep when no useful activity can be done. Time is measured in milliseconds. Default value is '1'. Given parameter has direct influence onto CPU load!
Public propertyThreadCount
Number of working threads to be used by feed engine. By default, the value is '1'.
See Also