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FlatMessage Class
Flat FIX message.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FIXForge.NET.FIX
Assembly:  FIXForge.NET.FIX.Engine-net-4.8_x64 (in FIXForge.NET.FIX.Engine-net-4.8_x64.dll) Version:
public class FlatMessage : ICloneable, 

The FlatMessage type exposes the following members.

Public methodFlatMessage()
Initializes a new instance of the FlatMessage class
Public methodFlatMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>)
Constructs an instance from the tag=value form.
Public methodFlatMessage(Byte[])
Constructs an instance from the tag=value form.
Public methodFlatMessage(String)
Constructs an instance from the tag=value form.
Public methodFlatMessage(FlatMessage)
Initializes as a copy of other instance.
Public methodFlatMessage(Message)
Constructs an instance from the structured object.
Public methodFlatMessage(ProtocolVersion, String)
Constructs an instance with empty required message header fields.
Public methodFlatMessage(ProtocolVersion, String, String, String, ArraySegment<Byte>)
Constructs an instance from the tag=value form without session-level details. Required tags will be added during the construction.
Public methodFlatMessage(ProtocolVersion, String, String, String, Byte[])
Constructs an instance from the tag=value form without session-level details. Required tags will be added during the construction.
Public methodFlatMessage(ProtocolVersion, String, String, String, String)
Constructs an instance from the tag=value form without session-level details. Required tags will be added during the construction.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Returns true if the Flat FIX message object is disposed, false otherwise.
Public methodAdd(Int32, ArraySegment<Byte>)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Boolean)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Byte[])
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Char)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, DateTime)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Decimal)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Double)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Int32)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Int64)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, String)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, StringBuilder)
Adds tag/value pair from the given StringBuilder instance to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, TimeSpan)
Adds the tag/value pair to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, HighResolutionTimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Adds the tag/value pair with the given format to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, HighResolutionTimestamp, TimestampFormat)
Adds the tag/value pair with the given format to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, DateTime, TimestampFormat)
Adds the tag/value pair with the given format to the end of the message.
Public methodAdd(Int32, TimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Adds the tag/value pair with the given format to the end of the message.
Public methodAdjust
Updates BodyLength and CheckSum fields.
Public methodAllocateKey(Int32)
Finds and allocates key to requested field for further access.
Public methodAllocateKey(FlatFieldRef)
Allocates key to requested field for further access.
Public methodChars
Returns the content of the serialized message.
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
Public methodCompareFieldValue(FlatFieldKey, String)
Returns true if the field, specified by the given tag, is present in the FlatMessage instance and its value is equal to the given string value, otherwise it returns false.
Public methodCompareFieldValue(FlatFieldRef, String)
Returns true if the field, specified by the given tag, is present in the FlatMessage instance and its value is equal to the given string value, otherwise it returns false.
Public methodCompareType(Char)
Returns true if the message type value is equal to the given char value, otherwise it returns false.
Public methodCompareType(String)
Returns true if the message type value is equal to the given string value, otherwise it returns false.
Public methodCopyTo(Byte[])
Copy serialized message contents to an external buffer.
Public methodCopyTo(Byte[], Int32)
Copy serialized message contents to an external buffer starting from offset.
Public methodDispose()
Releases all resources used by the FlatMessage
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the FlatMessage and optionally releases the managed resources
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Perform cleanup operations on unmanaged resources held by the current FlatMessage object before the object is destroyed.
(Overrides Object.Finalize().)
Public methodFind(Int32)
Looks for a field using tag number.
Public methodFind(Int32, FlatFieldRef)
Looks for a field with assumption field is located after given another field using its tag number.
Public methodGet(FlatFieldKey)
Provides access to field value by the given field key.
Public methodGet(FlatFieldRef)
Provides access to field value by the given temporary reference.
Public methodGet(FlatFieldKey, StringBuilder)
Gets the field value by the given field key and appends it to the given StringBuilder instance.
Public methodGet(FlatFieldRef, StringBuilder)
Gets the field value by the given temporary reference and appends it to the given StringBuilder instance.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInsert(Int32, ArraySegment<Byte>, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Boolean, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Byte[], Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Char, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, DateTime, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Decimal, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Double, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Int32, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Int64, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, String, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag
Public methodInsert(Int32, StringBuilder, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, TimeSpan, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, HighResolutionTimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, HighResolutionTimestamp, TimestampFormat, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, DateTime, TimestampFormat, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Public methodInsert(Int32, TimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat, Int32, InsertMode)
Inserts the tag/value pair to the message before or after the position tag.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemove
Removes the field value. Note: Once value is removed, all references to other fields become invalid.
Public methodReset()
Resets the instance to the blank state.
Public methodReset(String)
Resets the instance to the new tag=value form.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, ArraySegment<Byte>)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, Boolean)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, Byte[])
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, Char)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, DateTime)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, Decimal)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, Double)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, Int32)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, Int64)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, String)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, StringBuilder)
Updates field value from the given StringBuilder instance.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, TimeSpan)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, ArraySegment<Byte>)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, Boolean)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, Byte[])
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, Char)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, DateTime)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, Decimal)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, Double)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, Int32)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, Int64)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, String)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, StringBuilder)
Updates field value from the given StringBuilder instance.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, TimeSpan)
Updates field value.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, HighResolutionTimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, HighResolutionTimestamp, TimestampFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, DateTime, TimestampFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldKey, TimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, HighResolutionTimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, HighResolutionTimestamp, TimestampFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, DateTime, TimestampFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSet(FlatFieldRef, TimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Updates field value with the given format.
Public methodSize
Returns the size of serialized content
Public methodToString
Returns the <tag>=<value> representation of the message.
(Overrides Object.ToString().)
Public methodVersion
Returns the 'ProtocolVersion', which corresponds to the 'BeginString' and 'ApplVerID' tag values.
See Also