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FIXForge.NET.FIX.Scheduling Namespace
Scheduling services for the FIX sessions.
Public classAcceptorConnectionSettings
Simplifies connection settings creation for the case when session is acceptor.
Public classCounterpartySettings
Simplifies connection settings creation for the case when session is initiator.
Public classInitiatorConnectingEventArgs
Provides data for the InitiatorConnecting event of the Scheduler.
Public classInitiatorConnectionSettings
Simplifies connection settings creation for the case when session is initiator.
Public classScheduler
Scheduler performs session connection maintenance according to the specified schedule for session activities. It monitors whenever criteria to log a particular session either on or off is triggered and automatically executes appropriate action.
Scheduler implements IDisposable interface to provide users with the ability to shutdown scheduling services by single action. Supporting IDisposable interface also gives the opportunity to combine Scheduler with built-in language statements like using statement in C# and make scheduling more error-resistant.
Public classSessionConnectionSettings
Collection of connection-related attributes for the session.
Public classSessionErrorEventArgs
Provides data for the Error event of the Scheduler.
Public classSessionEventArgs
Provides data for the Session actions events of the Scheduler.
Public classSessionLoggingOutEventArgs
Provides data for the SessionLoggingOut event of the Scheduler.
Public classSessionSchedule
Defines activity time frames for the session. Also provides the ability to define sequence number reset policy for the session.
Public classSessionWarningEventArgs
Provides data for the Warning event of the Scheduler.
Public enumerationSequenceNumberResetPolicy
Defines session sequence number reset policy.
Public enumerationSessionDuration
Specifies activity time frame for the session.