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FIX Session

A FIX session is defined as a bi-directional stream of ordered messages between two parties within a continuous sequence number series. It is represented by the Session class.

Constructing Session

To create a session, the Session(String, String, ProtocolVersion) constructors have to be used.

Session Role

A Session can participate in FIX connection in one of two roles: as an Acceptor or as an Initiator.

The Acceptor is the receiving party of the FIX session. It listens for the incoming connection on the pre-defined port. The Acceptor has a responsibility to perform first level authentication and formally declares the connection request "accepted" through the transmission of an acknowledgment Logon message.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via the transmission of the initial Logon message.

To determine the role of the session, the Role property can be used.

Shutting Down Session

To terminate the session gracefully, the Dispose() method must be used.
