Enum TradePriceNegotiationMethod
The method used to negotiate the trade price. This is to support CDS trade negotiation where dealers can negotiate prices in deal spread or in percent of par. Supported Values: 0 - Percent of Par 1 - Deal Spread 2 - Upfront Points 3 - Upfront Amount 4 - Upfront Amount and Percent of Par 5 - Upfront Amount and Deal Spread 6 - Upfront Amount and Upfront points
Namespace: OnixS.CmeStpHandler
Assembly: OnixS.CmeStpHandler.dll
public enum TradePriceNegotiationMethod
Name | Description |
DealSpread | Deal Spread |
None | Default value. Do not use it directly. |
PercentOfPar | Percent of Par |
UpfrontAmount | Upfront Amount |
UpfrontAmountAndDealSpread | Upfront Amount and Deal Spread |
UpfrontAmountAndPercentOfPar | Upfront Amount and Percent of Par |
UpfrontAmountAndUpfrontPoints | Upfront Amount and Upfront points |
UpfrontPoints | Upfront Points |