Reason trade is being transferred.
OnixS.CmeStpHandler-net-4.8 (in OnixS.CmeStpHandler-net-4.8.dll) Version: (3.5.0)
Syntax Members
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | -1 |
Default value. Do not use it directly.
| ExchangeApprovedTransfersBetweenAccountsWithDifferentBeneficialOwnership | 0 |
Exchange approved transfers between accounts with different beneficial ownership.
| ForCorrectingRule527MisClears | 1 |
For correcting Rule 527 mis-clears.
| TransferBetweenAccountsInWhichTheUnderlyingBeneficialOwnershipIsIdentical | 2 |
Transfer between accounts in which the underlying beneficial ownership is identical.
| TransferToCorrectAnErrorInAssignmentOfAccountInHouseOrCustomer | 3 |
Transfer to correct an error in assignment of account (in-house) or customer/house origin error or firm-to-firm clerical error in clearing a trade.
| ForRule770Transfers | 4 |
For rule 770 transfers.
| TransferForPortfolioMarginingPurposese | 5 |
Transfer for portfolio margining purposes.
| TransferOfPositionsToANewlyApprovedClearingFirm | 6 |
Transfer of positions to a newly approved clearing firm.
| OptionCompression | 7 |
Option Compression.
| FungibleTransfersAndDeliveryTransfers | 8 |
Fungible Transfers and Delivery Transfers (system generated, cannot be submitted by firms).
| TransferDueToTheMergerOfTwoOrMoreClearingFirms | 9 |
Transfer due to the merger of two or more clearing firms.
| AutoTransferOffset | 10 |
Auto-transfer Offset (system generated, cannot be submitted by firms.
| TransferDueToWithdrawalOfAClearingFirm | 11 |
Transfer due to withdrawal of a clearing firm.
| ForTransferringNewOrOffsettingSingaporeExchangeExecutedPositionsBetweenLocalFirms | 12 |
For transferring new or offsetting Singapore Exchange executed positions between local firms.
| CrossExchangeTransfer | 13 |
Cross Exchange Transfer (OCC).
See Also