forwardTradeType Enumeration   Table of ContentUnderlyingInstrument Classforward
TrnsfrRsn Enumeration
Reason trade is being transferred.

Namespace:  OnixS.CmeStpHandler
Assembly:  OnixS.CmeStpHandler-net-4.8 (in OnixS.CmeStpHandler-net-4.8.dll) Version: (3.5.0)
public enum TrnsfrRsn
  Member nameValueDescription
None-1 Default value. Do not use it directly.
ExchangeApprovedTransfersBetweenAccountsWithDifferentBeneficialOwnership0 Exchange approved transfers between accounts with different beneficial ownership.
ForCorrectingRule527MisClears1 For correcting Rule 527 mis-clears.
TransferBetweenAccountsInWhichTheUnderlyingBeneficialOwnershipIsIdentical2 Transfer between accounts in which the underlying beneficial ownership is identical.
TransferToCorrectAnErrorInAssignmentOfAccountInHouseOrCustomer3 Transfer to correct an error in assignment of account (in-house) or customer/house origin error or firm-to-firm clerical error in clearing a trade.
ForRule770Transfers4 For rule 770 transfers.
TransferForPortfolioMarginingPurposese5 Transfer for portfolio margining purposes.
TransferOfPositionsToANewlyApprovedClearingFirm6 Transfer of positions to a newly approved clearing firm.
OptionCompression7 Option Compression.
FungibleTransfersAndDeliveryTransfers8 Fungible Transfers and Delivery Transfers (system generated, cannot be submitted by firms).
TransferDueToTheMergerOfTwoOrMoreClearingFirms9 Transfer due to the merger of two or more clearing firms.
AutoTransferOffset10 Auto-transfer Offset (system generated, cannot be submitted by firms.
TransferDueToWithdrawalOfAClearingFirm11 Transfer due to withdrawal of a clearing firm.
ForTransferringNewOrOffsettingSingaporeExchangeExecutedPositionsBetweenLocalFirms12 For transferring new or offsetting Singapore Exchange executed positions between local firms.
CrossExchangeTransfer13 Cross Exchange Transfer (OCC).
See Also