forwardPriceSubType Enumeration   Table of ContentProd Enumerationforward
PriceType Enumeration
Indicates the type of the price associated with the trade. Supported Values: 1 - Percentage (i.e. percent of par) 2 - Per unit (i.e. per share or contract) 10 - Fixed cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options) 11 - Variable cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options) 100 - Tentative placeholder price 101 - Updated actual price

Namespace:  OnixS.CmeStpHandler
Assembly:  OnixS.CmeStpHandler-net-4.8 (in OnixS.CmeStpHandler-net-4.8.dll) Version: (3.5.0)
public enum PriceType
  Member nameValueDescription
None-1 Default value. Do not use it directly.
Percentage1 Percentage (i.e. percent of par)
PerUnit2 Per unit (i.e. per share or contract)
Spread6 Spread (basis points spread)
Yield9 Yield
FixedCabinetTradePrice10 Fixed cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options)
VariableCabinetTradePrice11 Variable cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options)
InterestRate24 Interest rate
TentativePlaceholderPrice100 Tentative placeholder price
UpdatedActualPrice101 Updated actual price
DerivedPriceBlock102 Derived Price Block
YieldDiff1005 Yield Diff
See Also