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Tags.MatchEventIndicator Field
Bitmap field of eight Boolean type indicators reflecting the end of updates for a given Globex Event: Bit 0: (least significant bit) Last trade message for a given event Bit 1: Last electronic volume message for a given event Bit 2: Last real quote message for a given event Bit 3: Last statistic message for a given event Bit 4: Last implied quote message for a given event Bit 5: Reserved for future use Bit 6: Reserved for future use Bit 7: (most significant bit) Last message for a given event

Namespace:  OnixS.CmeMdHandler
Assembly:  OnixS.CmeMdHandler-net-4.7 (in OnixS.CmeMdHandler-net-4.7.dll) Version: (
public const int MatchEventIndicator = 5799

Field Value

Type: Int32
See Also