OnixS BME SENAF Handler C++ library  2.3.0
API documentation

Wellcome to the knowledgebase for the C++ SENAF Market Data Handler!

The C++ SENAF Market Data Handler is a C++ library that provides an access to the SENAF Financial Asset Electronic Trading System. The Handler encapsulates all low level aspects of the SENAF market data platform allowing to focus on implementing trading solutions and market data processing algorithms. High-level C++ API allows to quickly build applications to get market data without much involve into raw protocol specifics of the SENAF.

Below are the key features of the C++ SENAF Market Data Handler:

  • Easy-to-use API.
  • Multi-threaded architecture.
  • Low latency, high throughput.
  • Log replay facility.

Getting Started section guides through the most significant parts of the Handler's architecture.

Advanced Programming provides information about sophisticated development tasks and techniques available in the Handler including

Low Latency Best Practices on achieving the best latency of market data processing.

FAQ contains commonly asked questions and answers.

External resources lists online resources on the product.

Support describes best ways to get support on the product.

For a complete list of available topics, see Table of Contents.