OnixS C++ CME MDP Streamlined Market Data Handler  1.2.0
API Documentation
Fields.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  AggressorSide
struct  EventTypeIndices
struct  EntryCode
struct  EntryTypeIndices
struct  UpdateAction
struct  SecurityUpdateAction
class  MatchEventIndicator
class  SettlPriceType




typedef Char CHAR
typedef Char Currency[3]
typedef Char ErisUDI
typedef Int32 Int32
typedef Int8 Int8
typedef IntegralConstant< Char, 'H'> LegSecurityIDSource
typedef UInt16 LocalMktDate
typedef IntegralConstant< Char, '2'> EntryTypeTrade
typedef IntegralConstant< Int8, 0 > UpdateActionNew
typedef Char SecurityExchange[4]
typedef Char String100[100]
typedef Char String12[12]
typedef Char String30[30]
typedef Char String4[4]
typedef Char String5[5]
typedef Char String8[8]
typedef Char StringLen3[3]
typedef Char StringLength17[17]
typedef Char StringLength2[2]
typedef Char StringLength26[26]
typedef Char StringLength50[50]
typedef Char StringLength500[500]
typedef Char StringLength6[6]
typedef Char StringLength9[9]
typedef Char Text[180]
typedef Char CharNULL
typedef UInt16 UInt16
typedef UInt32 UInt32
typedef UInt64 UInt64
typedef UInt8 UInt8
typedef IntegralConstant< Char, '\x0'> NullErisUDI
typedef IntegralConstant< Int32, 2147483647 > NullInt32
typedef IntegralConstant< Int8, 127 > NullInt8
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt16, 65535 > NullLocalMktDate
typedef IntegralConstant< Char, '0'> NullCharNULL
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt16, 65535 > NullUInt16
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt32, 4294967295 > NullUInt32
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt64, 18446744073709551615ULL > NullUInt64
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt8, 255 > NullUInt8


Timestamp localMktDateToTimestamp (LocalMktDate days)