OnixS C++ CME MDP Premium Market Data Handler  5.8.10
API Documentation
Logging services

Ready-to-use Logger Implementations

The SDK contains the following implementations of the OnixS::CME::MDH::Logger abstractions:

Logger implementation Description
OnixS::CME::MDH::FileLogger Implements logging services over text-based files. Logged data is stored in files which may be limited by size. Once the file reaches its limit, the logger detaches logged data, backs it up and starts a new file.
OnixS::CME::MDH::NullLogger Logs nothing. The handler suppresses logging if the instance of this class is bound to it.
An OnixS::CME::MDH::Logger successor instance can be bound to multiple OnixS::CME::MDH::Handler instances.

Binding Logger to the handler

The following example demonstrates how to configure and bind a file-based logger to the handler:

struct FileLoggerIssueTracer : public FileLoggerListener
void onFileLoggerIssue(const FileLogger& logger, const Char* issue) override
std::cout << "ALERT!!! An issue occurred while logging data. " << issue << std::endl;
Handler handler;
FileLoggerSettings loggerSettings;
FileLoggerIssueTracer loggerTracer;
FileLogger logger(loggerSettings, &loggerTracer);