OnixS C++ CME MDP Premium Market Data Handler  5.8.10
API Documentation
Serialization.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <OnixS/CME/MDH/Messages.h>

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void toStr (std::string &str, AggressorFlag::Enum value)
std::string toStr (AggressorFlag::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, AggressorFlag::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, AggressorSide::Enum value)
std::string toStr (AggressorSide::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, AggressorSide::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, EventType::Enum value)
std::string toStr (EventType::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, EventType::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, HaltReason::Enum value)
std::string toStr (HaltReason::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, HaltReason::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, LegSide::Enum value)
std::string toStr (LegSide::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, LegSide::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, EntryType::Enum value)
std::string toStr (EntryType::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, EntryType::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, EntryTypeBook::Enum value)
std::string toStr (EntryTypeBook::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, EntryTypeBook::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, EntryTypeDailyStatistics::Enum value)
std::string toStr (EntryTypeDailyStatistics::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, EntryTypeDailyStatistics::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, EntryTypeStatistics::Enum value)
std::string toStr (EntryTypeStatistics::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, EntryTypeStatistics::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, UpdateAction::Enum value)
std::string toStr (UpdateAction::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, UpdateAction::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, MoneyOrPar::Enum value)
std::string toStr (MoneyOrPar::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, MoneyOrPar::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, OpenCloseSettlFlag::Enum value)
std::string toStr (OpenCloseSettlFlag::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, OpenCloseSettlFlag::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, OrderUpdateAction::Enum value)
std::string toStr (OrderUpdateAction::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, OrderUpdateAction::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, PriceSource::Enum value)
std::string toStr (PriceSource::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, PriceSource::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, PutOrCall::Enum value)
std::string toStr (PutOrCall::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, PutOrCall::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, RepoSubType::Enum value)
std::string toStr (RepoSubType::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, RepoSubType::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, SecurityAltIDSource::Enum value)
std::string toStr (SecurityAltIDSource::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, SecurityAltIDSource::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, SecurityTradingEvent::Enum value)
std::string toStr (SecurityTradingEvent::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, SecurityTradingEvent::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, SecurityTradingStatus::Enum value)
std::string toStr (SecurityTradingStatus::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, SecurityTradingStatus::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, SecurityUpdateAction::Enum value)
std::string toStr (SecurityUpdateAction::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, SecurityUpdateAction::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, Side::Enum value)
std::string toStr (Side::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, Side::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, WorkupTradingStatus::Enum value)
std::string toStr (WorkupTradingStatus::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, WorkupTradingStatus::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, InstAttribValue set)
std::string toStr (InstAttribValue set)
void toFix (std::string &str, InstAttribValue set)
void toStr (std::string &str, MatchEventIndicator set)
std::string toStr (MatchEventIndicator set)
void toFix (std::string &str, MatchEventIndicator set)
void toStr (std::string &str, SettlPriceType set)
std::string toStr (SettlPriceType set)
void toFix (std::string &str, SettlPriceType set)
void toStr (std::string &str, const MaturityMonthYear &obj)
std::string toStr (const MaturityMonthYear &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const GroupSize &obj)
std::string toStr (const GroupSize &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const GroupSize8Byte &obj)
std::string toStr (const GroupSize8Byte &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const GroupSizeEncoding &obj)
std::string toStr (const GroupSizeEncoding &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const MessageHeader &obj)
std::string toStr (const MessageHeader &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionFixedIncome57 &obj)
std::string toStr (const InstrumentDefinitionFixedIncome57 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionFixedIncome57 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const ChannelReset4 &obj)
std::string toStr (const ChannelReset4 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const ChannelReset4 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const AdminHeartbeat12 &obj)
std::string toStr (const AdminHeartbeat12 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const AdminHeartbeat12 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const AdminLogin15 &obj)
std::string toStr (const AdminLogin15 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const AdminLogin15 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const AdminLogout16 &obj)
std::string toStr (const AdminLogout16 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const AdminLogout16 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const AdminLogin408 &obj)
std::string toStr (const AdminLogin408 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const AdminLogin408 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const AdminLogout409 &obj)
std::string toStr (const AdminLogout409 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const AdminLogout409 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const AdminHeartbeat410 &obj)
std::string toStr (const AdminHeartbeat410 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const AdminHeartbeat410 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionFuture54 &obj)
std::string toStr (const InstrumentDefinitionFuture54 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionFuture54 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionSpread56 &obj)
std::string toStr (const InstrumentDefinitionSpread56 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionSpread56 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SecurityStatus30 &obj)
std::string toStr (const SecurityStatus30 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const SecurityStatus30 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshBook46 &obj)
std::string toStr (const IncrementalRefreshBook46 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshBook46 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshDailyStatistics49 &obj)
std::string toStr (const IncrementalRefreshDailyStatistics49 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshDailyStatistics49 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshLimitsBanding50 &obj)
std::string toStr (const IncrementalRefreshLimitsBanding50 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshLimitsBanding50 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshSessionStatistics51 &obj)
std::string toStr (const IncrementalRefreshSessionStatistics51 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshSessionStatistics51 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshVolume37 &obj)
std::string toStr (const IncrementalRefreshVolume37 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshVolume37 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SnapshotFullRefresh52 &obj)
std::string toStr (const SnapshotFullRefresh52 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const SnapshotFullRefresh52 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const QuoteRequest39 &obj)
std::string toStr (const QuoteRequest39 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const QuoteRequest39 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionOption55 &obj)
std::string toStr (const InstrumentDefinitionOption55 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const InstrumentDefinitionOption55 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshTradeSummary48 &obj)
std::string toStr (const IncrementalRefreshTradeSummary48 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshTradeSummary48 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshOrderBook47 &obj)
std::string toStr (const IncrementalRefreshOrderBook47 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const IncrementalRefreshOrderBook47 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SnapshotFullRefreshOrderBook53 &obj)
std::string toStr (const SnapshotFullRefreshOrderBook53 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const SnapshotFullRefreshOrderBook53 &obj)