OnixS C++ B3 BOE Binary Order Entry  1.2.0
API Documentation
Session Version Identification (sessionVerId)

Each FIXP session is represented with a unique 64-bit identifier (the sessionVerId field). Its value must be incremented each time the Negotiate message is sent to the gateway.

The OnixS::B3::BOE::Session automatically generates the sessionVerId in the following cases:

One can pass a sessionVerId value manually to the OnixS::B3::BOE::Session::Session constructor.

To read the sessionVerId value, use the OnixS::B3::BOE::Session::sessionVerId() const method.

For example:

std::clog << session.sessionVerId() << std::endl;

Re-setting sessionVerId

To reset the sessionVerId intra-session on the same trading day, use the OnixS::B3::BOE::Session::reset() method.

The OnixS::B3::BOE::Session::reset method can be called only when the session is disconnected.
See also
Restoring Session State
Scheduling Sessions for Automatic Connection