OnixS C++ B3 BOE Binary Order Entry  1.2.0
API Documentation
SBE Log Decoder Sample

This sample demonstrates how to convert the Base64-encoded \*.summary file into a human-friendly \*.txt file.

Source code

struct MessagePrinter
MessagePrinter(ofstream& outFile, StrRef prefix)
: outFile_(outFile)
, prefix_(prefix)
template <typename MessageType>
void operator()(const MessageType& msg) const
outFile_ << prefix_ << msg << endl << endl;
std::cout << prefix_ << msg << endl << endl;
ofstream& outFile_;
const StrRef prefix_;
std::string getOutputFileName(const std::string& entryName)
const char * const DecodedSummaryFileExtension = ".txt";
return entryName.substr(0, entryName.find_last_of(".")) + DecodedSummaryFileExtension;
size_t decodeSbeLogFile(const string& summaryFileName)
const std::string outputFileName = getOutputFileName(summaryFileName);
ofstream decoded(outputFileName.c_str());
if (!decoded)
throw runtime_error("Cannot create file: '" + outputFileName + "'");
ifstream file(summaryFileName.c_str());
if (!file)
throw runtime_error("Cannot open " + summaryFileName + " log file.");
const size_t LogLinePrefixSize = 32;
string line;
ByteArray buffer;
size_t messageCounter = 0;
while (getline(file, line))
const StrRef Prefix(line.data(), LogLinePrefixSize);
const StrRef Base64SbeMessage(line.data() + LogLinePrefixSize, line.size() - LogLinePrefixSize);
Base64Encoding::decode(buffer, Base64SbeMessage);
if (buffer.empty())
throw runtime_error("Cannot decode an empty message");
const bool sofhDetected =
buffer.size() >= sizeof(SimpleOpenFramingHeader) &&
reinterpret_cast<const SimpleOpenFramingHeader*>(&buffer[0])->encoding() == B3BOESbeEncodingType;
SbeMessage message;
message = NetworkMessage(&buffer[0], static_cast<MessageSize>(buffer.size())).message();
message = SbeMessage(&buffer[0], static_cast<MessageSize>(buffer.size()));
if (!processTypified(message, MessagePrinter(decoded, Prefix)))
throw runtime_error("Unknown message type");
catch (...)
cerr << "Cannot decode '" << line << "'" << endl;
return messageCounter;
void gatherFiles(std::vector<std::string>& gatheredFiles, const std::string& root)
OnixS::B3::BOE::Filesystem::gatherFiles(&gatheredFiles, root, ".summary");
class FileDecoder
: messagesCount_(0)
, filesCount_(0)
void operator()(const std::string& name)
messagesCount_ += decodeSbeLogFile(name);
size_t messagesCount() const
return messagesCount_;
size_t filesCount() const
return filesCount_;
size_t messagesCount_;
size_t filesCount_;
void usage()
cerr << "usage: SbeLogDecoder [SummaryFileName|DirectoryName]" << endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
clog << "B3 BOE SBE Log Decoder Sample." << endl << endl;
string arg;
if (argc >= 2)
arg = argv[1];
if (arg.empty())
return 1;
cerr << "'" + arg + "'" + " does not exist.";
return 1;
std::vector<std::string> inputFiles;
gatherFiles(inputFiles, arg);
const FileDecoder decoder =
std::for_each(inputFiles.begin(), inputFiles.end(), FileDecoder());
clog << decoder.messagesCount() << " messages in " << decoder.filesCount() << " file(s) are decoded." << endl << endl;
return 0;