OnixS C++ B3 BOE Binary Order Entry  1.2.0
API Documentation
Memory-based Session Storage

Memory-based session storage is typically used to maintain a high-performance FIXP session when the persisting of a session state and messages to the file system is not required.

Switching to Memory-based Session Storage

To create such a session, the storageType parameter in the OnixS::B3::BOE::Session::Session constructor has to be set to the OnixS::B3::BOE::SessionStorageType::MemoryBased value.

For these purposes, storageType parameter of the OnixS::B3::BOE::Session::Session constructor is available. Once OnixS::B3::BOE::SessionStorageType::MemoryBased value will be specified as value for the `storageType parameter, session-related data will be logged into memory.


Session session(sessionSettings, nullptr, SessionStorageType::MemoryBased);