OnixS Euronext XDP Handler for C++
Licensing the Handler
Advanced Programming

Specifing License File

Handler needs a license for successfull execution. If the Handler is not able to find a valid license it will throw an exception at the initialization stage.

OnixS::Euronext::XDP::Settings structure exposes OnixS::Euronext::XDP::Settings::licenseDirectory parameter which allows to instruct the Handler where to look for a license. By default, the Handler looks for a license in the current directory for the application which uses the Handler. Handler also assumes that license file has "lic" extension.


Following example demostrates how supply license to the Handler:

using namespace OnixS::Euronext::XDP;

// Connectivity is the only parameter with no default value.
Settings settings;

// By default, license is stored in license folder of the distribute 
// package. Instead of copying license, let's use original file.
settings.licenseDirectory = "../license";

// Constructs handler with custom license path.
Handler handler(settings);