OnixS Euronext CCG Binary Trading Handler for C++


struct  HandlerState
 Handler's state. More...
struct  LogLevel
 Log level. More...
struct  LogSettings
 Logging options. More...
struct  RejectionReason
 Rejection reason values. More...
struct  ReturnCode
 Return Code Values. More...
struct  TradingSessionId
 Trading session ID. More...
struct  SecurityIdSource
 The Security ID is used to identify a security. The Security ID Source defines the value that is held in Security ID, as follows: More...
struct  LegSecurityType
 The type of leg product. More...
struct  TradeInputSource
 Automatic order injection indicator. More...
struct  OrderType
 Type of order. More...
struct  Side
 Side of order. More...
struct  TimeInForce
 Duration of order. More...
struct  OrderOrigin
 Origin of order. More...
struct  ClearingInstruction
 Clearing instruction. More...
struct  AccountCode
 Type of account. More...
struct  CustomerOrderCapacity
 Type of customer trading. More...
struct  PartyRole
 Party role. More...
struct  PostingAction
 Posting action. More...
struct  MassCancelRequestType
 Cancel result type. More...
struct  CancelRejectResponse
 Identifies the type of request that a Cancel Reject is in response to. More...
struct  MassStatusRequestType
 Mass status request type. More...
struct  StrategyCode
 Strategy code. More...
struct  LegPutOrCall
 Indicates whether an option contract is a put or call. More...
struct  WholesaleTradeType
 Wholesale trade type. More...
struct  OrderCapacity
 ITM role on trade. More...
struct  StockOrderRequestType
 Stock order request type. More...
struct  OrderStatus
 Order status. More...
struct  ExecType
 Type of execution report. More...
struct  UserStatus
 Indicates the user status. More...
struct  MessageSendStatus
 Message send status. More...
struct  SideRevised
 Sides populated on message. More...
struct  ProtectionType
 Type of risk mitigation. More...
struct  ProductLimitBreachAction
 Product limit breach action. More...
struct  MarketMakerRequestLevel
 Market Maker Request Level. More...
struct  RevisionFlag
 Indicates is a new quote or a revision. More...
struct  MarketMakerPositionUpdateReason
 The reason for the Market Maker Position Update. More...
struct  ProtectionForMarketMakers
 Protection for Market Makers. More...
struct  CommodityTradingType
 Commodity Trading Type. More...