OnixS C++ CME Market Data Handler
Event Member List

This is the complete list of members for Event, including all inherited members.

contain(Tag tag) const FieldSet
container_ (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
date(Date &date) const Eventinline
FieldSet(const Message *, const void *) (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
FieldSet(const FieldSet &) (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
get(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getChar(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getDecimal(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getGroup(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getInt32(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getInt64(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getOptionalGroup(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getStringRef(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getTimestamp(Tag tag, TimestampFormat format=TimestampFormats::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmsec) const FieldSet
getUInt32(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getUInt64(Tag tag) const FieldSet
GroupInstance(const GroupInstance &other)GroupInstance
hasFlag(Tag tag) const FieldSet
impl_ (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
message() const GroupInstanceinline
operator bool() const FieldSet
operator=(const GroupInstance &)GroupInstance
operator=(const FieldSet &) (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
time(TimeSpan &time) const Eventinline
type() const Eventinline
TypedGroup< Event > (defined in Event)Eventfriend
~FieldSet() (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected